Rich texture and well rounded. Light flavor from the cherry wood with a slightly tart, slightly sweet spice note. 750 ml
At Cleveland Whiskey, we push the boundaries of convention, build on great traditions and artfully blend science with craft to create unique and extraordinary, award-winning spirits
We put our heart and soul into what we make, we think creatively and push hard for real and meaningful innovation. Whiskies finished with woods other than oak and not only in a barrel, natural flavors without sugar or syrup, no artificial color.
Using a proprietary technology to mature our spirits, we take very young whiskey – aged in a barrel for less than six months and instead of continuing to keep the whiskey in the barrel, we take the liquid out. We take the staves from the barrel, cut and measured to control for oxygen content, surface area and moisture, and then add the wood into the whiskey in pressure capable stainless-steel tanks.