Crown Royal Salted Caramel Flavored Whisky 750 ML 70 PROOF .
Unwind in luxury with a glass of Crown Royal Salted Caramel Flavored Whisky. With notes of indulgent salted caramel and the scent of vanilla oakiness that impart lush creaminess, our 70 proof whisky provides a refined and rich flavor. Made with the signature smoothness of traditional Crown Royal, our whisky is matured to perfection and will enhance any cocktail party or celebration. Simply mix with Crown Royal Regal Apple Flavored Whisky for a refreshing Candy Apple cocktail. First created in 1939 as a gift for the king and queen of England, a Canadian entrepreneur created a blend of 50 whiskies and wrapped a bottle in a regal purple bag with gold stitching. Affectionately named "Crown Royal", our whisky maintains the integrity and quality of our process today as it was first presented to English royalty. Blended with 50 distinct whiskies, Crown Royal assures decadence in every bottle of our signature whiskies. Please drink responsibly.
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